[No Texture Rotate] EYES
Iv'e been asked how to make the textured eyes I use on some of my hexies.
Credit to Amanda @
Cargo for being the genius that discovered how to use [No Texture Rotate] from Babyz.
(she has a "No Texture Rotate" tutorial on her website if you want more info)
Petz 4 Palette Swatch/Color Table (.ACT)
Drawing your eye
I draw my eyes in Photoshop but any image editor will do.
First you have to create a 32x32 pixel image.
(I always have the Petz color chart or palette swatch handy to color pick from, so I dont accidentally use any colors that wont work in game.)
Heres an example. You're gonna have to play around with different pupil/iris size, shading, color blending, shapes and so on.
This is your time to be creative!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
When you are happy with your eye you need to crop the image into 4 equally sized parts and move them to their opposite corners.
These instructions are intended for Photoshop so menu options may differ slightly in other programs.
There are two ways of doing this:
- 1. Use the square masking tool,
Set width & height to 50% and cut the image into 4 pieces and move them to the opposite corners.
- 2. - Go to "Filter -> Other -> Offset".
- Choose "Wrap Around" under "Undefiened Areas".
- Move it 16 px Vertical and 16 px Horizontal.
When you're done it should look like this.
When you save your texture it's important to make sure the image is set to 256/8 bit color palette!
The way to do this in Photoshop is go to "Image -> Mode -> Indexed Color".
This is how I have my settings. I have the Petz palette added to my "Color Tables" in Photoshop. So I just choose that in the "Table:" drop drown menu and hit save.
How to add the "Petz Palette" as a Color Table:
- 1. First of all Download Petz4Swatch.ACT.
- 2. Choose "Custom" In the "Table:" dropdown menu.
- 3. When the "Color table" window pops up click "Load" and locate your "Petz4Swatch.ACT" file and hit OK.
- 4. Leave Options "Matte" and "Dither" at "None".
- 5. Click "OK" and save your texture as a .BMP.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Next step is to open up your breedfile in LNZpro and add your eye texture to the [Texture List].
Then add the [No Texture Rotate] section to your breedfile and list both eye ballz (8, 32).
(you can put this section anywhere in the file, just make sure your spelling and upper/lower case is correct.)
Almost done! Just a few more steps before we can open up the game and see how it looks.
Next you have to change the
texture number and
base color of the eye ballz
(since 245 is a non textureable color remember to change it to e.g 10 or the eye texture wont show)
Then we have to change the size of the iris to "-999". Otherwise the original iris will show up on top of your eye texture.
Last step is to also change the size of the iris to "-999" in [Ball Size Override] in the pup/kit LNZ.
The reason we have to do this is because if you don't the original iris will still show up in the puppy/kitten stage.
Now open up your game and lets see how it looks!
Tips & Tricks
- If you think the eyes look derpy or off center you can try moving it around a few pixels.
I do this with the "Offset" method in Photoshop.
- Sometimes the best thing to get them centered is to make a copy of your eye texture and flip the image horizontally and use that for the opposite eye.
- You can still adjust the size of the eye if you want/need to make it larger or smaller to fit your eye texture.
It takes some practice to draw them and some tweaking to get them exactly right,
but thats part of the fun if you ask me ;D
© lida 2021